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Gibran Ajak Warga Sumut untuk Tidak Golput setelah Hasil Survei Melebihi 50%

Gibran Ajak Warga Sumut untuk Tidak Golput setelah Hasil Survei Melebihi 50%

Gibran Rakabuming Raka, the vice presidential candidate number 2, is calling on the people of North Sumatra not to abstain from voting and to use their voting rights on the election day, on February 14th. Gibran sees that there are currently many survey institutions that have released the electability of Prabowo-Gibran is already above 50%. According to him, these results will not matter if many people choose to abstain from voting.

“If you are already sure (about Prabowo-Gibran), don’t let anyone abstain. Now there are many survey results above 50%,” said Gibran in front of tens of thousands of residents who attended at Baharoeddin Siregar Stadium, Deli Serdang, North Sumatra, on Wednesday (7/2).

“Don’t be content too quickly, don’t be complacent. Those survey results don’t mean anything if on February 14th there are many people who abstain from voting,” he added.

He also reminded the people of North Sumatra, especially the young people, not to respond with slander and defamation towards other candidate pairs, if they come across negative news about Prabowo-Gibran.

“I also remind especially the young people, if there is slander, defamation, negative news, please don’t respond, don’t engage, just keep quiet and smile,” said Gibran.

“Don’t like to disparage the programs of other candidates. Agree?” he added, which was then answered with shouts of “Agree” by the residents.

Gibran said that by choosing Prabowo-Gibran, the people will determine the direction of the continuation of Indonesia’s development that is no longer Java-centric.

“The Family Hope Program (PKH) will continue, agree? The Healthy Indonesia Card (KIS) will continue, agree? The Smart Indonesia Card (KIP) will continue, agree?” Gibran said.

“Sumatra toll road, trans-Sumatra toll road will continue, agree? We will continue the development that is no longer Java-centric,” he continued.

He also convinced the tens of thousands of North Sumatra residents to vote for the number 2 candidate on February 14th. In addition, Gibran reminded them to safeguard the election process by monitoring the Polling Stations (TPS) until the end.

“Vote for which number? Two. On February 14th, please guard the Polling Stations until it’s truly over, don’t let there be any cheating until it’s truly over,” said Gibran.

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